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Le Coq Sportif

 Interview of Richard after his match against Davydenko

Interview (English)Richard Gasquet allots his victory vis-a-vis the Russian Nikolay Davydenko (n°10), 4-6, 7-5, 6-2, in 8th of finale of Masters Series of Assembles-Carlo, to acquired maturity these last months and the confidence which lives it from now on in the great appointments.

"That do you retain this victory?
The fact that I gained, whereas I made my worse match in Monaco this year. I did not play my best tennis, I badly was useful, but I am to go to seek this match, and this vis-a-vis the 15th world player. It is very satisfactory. I am also very happy to have been able to return in such a significant match, whereas I was rather badly embarked.

It is your most significant success?
This victory will remain engraved, it is sure. One year ago, I would perhaps not have gained this match. But I gained in experiment and maturity. I matured much. And from now on, I brawls. Even if I were tired enough and in spite of the aches, I fought on all the points. And as I remain on a beautiful series, confidence is there. I know that I can go far in all the tournaments.

You here are in quarterfinals vis-a-vis Federer...
I will think of it all the evening, it is clear. It is a model for me, I look at much how it plays. I enormously have respect and of admiration for him. It is extremely everywhere. Moreover, it is a very sympathetic guy. But tomorrow (Friday), I will try to forget who am opposite and to give the "max". I will not have anything to lose. To be in quarters, to have gained three matches, it is already very beautiful for me."

source :



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