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Le Coq Sportif

 Contradicting News

Richard (English)There is contradicting news about Richard's injury.

While it was clear rather early that Richard would not be fit to play Madrid due to his back problems, more recent news is contradictory.

Midilibre had an article entitled "Is there light at the end of the tunnel?" on 3 May 2014, reporting that the forth infiltration finally reduced the pain. L'Equipe had an interview with Richard's coach Sébastien Grosjean on 4 May 2014 which says that he is still suffering and no return date is given.



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  Liens connexes
· Plus à propos de Richard (English)
· Nouvelles transmises par Puschkin

L'article le plus lu à propos de Richard (English):
Halle 2017 : Richard Gasquet bat Haase en 1/4

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