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Le Coq Sportif

 Richard positive in post match interview

Interview (English)aimee a écrit : "Richard sounded positive in his post match interview despite defeat:

Interviewer: "Richard, which feeling dominates after this defeat?

I am both frustrated and reassured. Frustrated to have gone out of tournament, but reassured of my game. I rediscovered my level after this month and half of injury, I sometimes put Nalbandian far of the bullet, I mastered the game, therefore it was beautiful. So much as I did not know where I was for some time before arriving here.

Not any regrets therefore?

If I had had four or five matches of more in the legs, with two or three tournaments what's more, that would not have been the same thing today. But it is hard to arrive also early on a game so strong and to do miracles...

The third set will have been the turn of the game...

This sleeve was the key of the game. I came very close to winning this third set. I had not too much success. I felt that Nalbandian played less well and I coped poorly. It was me that dominated the game, that did the points. If I had won this third set, if I had done this game to four everywhere... After, it was an all other game. The fourth was harder because I lost

Your defeat explains uniquely by your lack of practice?

No, it is sure that Nalbandian is a very big player. He did fabulous blows, notably two exceptional absorbed ones! There is not much to say... The merit returns some for him. His first set was exceptional. I do not think that a lot of players could have come back from that. He did a big game.

Did your mind go in the 4th

A little I think... But he has enormously experience, he was very calm. When it went less well for him, one did not see that he was frustrated. This is where i must make progresses.

This is your fifth roland-garros and everyone awaits a big performance from you here...

I am young, you know. And then, I had a bad draw. Nadal the last year, Nalbandian this... But I do not despair and I know what I am capable of when I play well. I am optimistic for the continuation of the season. I know that I rediscovered a good level and that that will get better and better. There is no reason for it not to! I had not success with the injuries, so so far my season has not been good, I can’t lie, but I am more positive now.

do you have again concerns with your abdominal ones or your elbow?

No all is well. But I am cautious. This is why I will not play the double here, for one never knows. The continuation of my program starts with germany now

It is good to see him so positive in this interview and we wish him luck with the rest of his season - fingers crossed!



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