Richard's loss to Grosjean: Post Match Interview
Date: 11 août 2005 à 11:31:55 CEST
Sujet: Tournaments (English)

THE MODERATOR: English questions first, please.

Q. You were going along very nicely, 5‑3 up, until the rain came. How big a part did that play in the match?

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, it was difficult to play after the rain. I was a little bit tired because I did a double‑fault. I didn't play a good match, but I played my match. It wasn't good today. But next time it will be better, I think.

Sebastien played a good match. I am happy for his victory.

Q. Do you feel that you lost momentum?

RICHARD GASQUET: Yes, I lost. After the rain, I lost. With the light, this was difficult for me. I didn't see the ball very good. But it's the first time I play with the lights. No, it wasn't easy for me.

Q. And how difficult is it to play another French player?

RICHARD GASQUET: At the beginning, is difficult. But after it's okay. It's the same. I think it's the same.

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